Curriculum Vitae

B. Jack Pan

CTZ: United States

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Scripps Institution of Oceanography | University of California, San Diego

·        Oceanography, Ph.D. (2014 – 2020)


Scripps Institution of Oceanography | University of California, San Diego

·        Marine Biology, Master of Science (2014 – 2016) 


University of California, Irvine

·        Earth & Environmental Sciences, Bachelor of Science (2009 – 2013)

·        Minor: Global Sustainability




Research Experience


NPP Research Fellow (09/2021 – 09/2023), JPL Research Fellow (09/2023 – present) NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology

·        Hyperspectral algorithm development to support glacial meltwater detection from remote sensing platforms such as the PRISM and ORCAS campaigns and support next-gen NASA Missions, such as PACE and SBG.

·        Contribute to advancing the state-of-the-art in ocean technology to support remotely sensed measurements.


Graduate Researcher (09/2014 – 08/2020) & Research Affiliate (09/2020 – 09/2021)

Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego

Ph.D. Dissertation: “The Impact of Seasonal Environmental Variables on Phytoplankton Ecology at the Antarctic Ice-Ocean Boundary: Studies through field work, numerical models, data science, and machine learning”

·        Ph.D. Dissertation focuses on understanding meltwater characteristics and their optical features in Antarctic coastal oceans/fjord ecosystems, utilizing machine learning techniques and big-data approaches to understand the impact of environmental change on phytoplankton community composition, and its long-term effects over the Antarctic shelf.

·        The dissertation project utilized a multidisciplinary approach and combined multiple techniques including field surveys, satellite remote sensing, modeling, and data science.

·        Managed the logistics of multiple Antarctic research expeditions as well as maintained multiple laboratories on SIO campus.


Team Lead, NASA DEVELOP at Jet Propulsion Laboratory (06 – 08/2014)

Project Title: “Remote Sensing Detection of Wastewater Plumes to Assess Public Water Quality in Los Angeles and Orange Counties”

·        Managed project development for multiple end users and stakeholders from academia, governmental regulatory agencies, NGOs, and the private sector. Regular reporting to DEVELOP Office at NASA HQ in Washington D.C..

·        Researched the feasibility of utilizing multiple satellite sensors to detect and monitor treated wastewater plumes during Hyperion Wastewater Treatment Plant and Orange Counties Sanitation District’s diversion events.

·        Processed data from SAR-Radarsat-1, ASAR & MERIS-Envisat, PALSAR-ALOS, ASTER-Terra, MODIS-Aqua & Terra, HICO-ISS, TIRS-Landsat 8 to project sea surface temperature, chl-a, and surface roughness data.


Team Member, NASA DEVELOP at Jet Propulsion Laboratory (01 – 04/2013)

Project Title: “Synthetic Aperture Radar Data Decision Support for Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Population Assessment and Management in the Gulf of Mexico”

·        Researched the feasibility of utilizing Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) to identify and locate Sargassum in the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean to better understand and help Bluefin Tuna conservation efforts.

·        Processed and Analyzed Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (ASAR) imagery from Envisat and ocean color data from MODIS-Aqua and MERIS.


Lab Assistant, Moore’s Group, UCI Dept. of Earth System Science (02/2012 – 08/2014)

·        Processed and analyzed data retrieved from Aqua MODIS and ETOPO bathymetry to monitor the Austral summer phytoplankton bloom between 2002 and 2013 in the vicinity of the Kerguelen plateau.

·        Modified IDL plotting routines for analyzing CESM model output and remote sensing data; users can define any region of interest in the world’s ocean, in both 3-degree and 1-degree model grids. Developed model studies for remote sensing projects.


Research Assistant, Rignot’s Group, UCI Dept. of Earth System Science (04 -- 08/2013)

·        Compiled and analyzed remote sensing data from MODIS to aid the preparation of the research group’s Greenland expedition.

·        Monitored sea ice conditions in the expedition’s path to assist the effort in guiding vessel onboard operations.

·        Established a fast delivery system for delivering near-real-time data to the research team in the field.


Undergraduate Researcher, Pataki Lab, UCI Dept. of Earth System Science (09/2009 –01/2012)

“The influence of N source and fertilizer application on growth of a tropical pitcher plant Nepenthes sanguinea” (2011)

·        Used nitrogen stable isotope analysis to investigate the nitrogen cycle of carnivorous plants and their physiological response to nutrient addition.

·        Responsibilities included writing funding proposals, collecting plant samples in the research greenhouse.

 “The linkage between native habitat and plant water use in Acacia species” (2009)

·        Used carbon stable isotope analysis to investigate water use habit of various Acacia species in the LA arboretum.


Undergraduate Researcher, Green IT Lab, California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology/UCI School of Information & Computer Science (09/2011 – 03/2013)

The Plant Guild Composer/Food Forest Project

·        A multidisciplinary project that attempted to create a functional ecosystem of urban food forest by integrating information technology, remote sensing, and ecology.

·        Calibrated programmers’ work on ecological concepts and assisted conceptual artist with UI design concepts.

·        Contributed cartography on local ecosystems; created maps of local environmental variables to aid site analysis.

The Causality Project

·        The collaborative project aimed to provide a participatory environment where users could identify environmental issues and attach causal links to these issues.

·        Populated project database, and assisted programmers to incorporate earth and environmental science concepts.


Research Volunteer, Bryant’s Lab, UCI Dept. of Developmental & Cell Biology (06 -- 12/2013)

·        Provided assistance to conducting microscopy on local plankton species.

·        Part of an effort to compile a natural history inventory of Orange County, California.





Entrepreneurial & Industry Experience


Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Ocean Motion Technologies, Inc. (2016 -- present)

Ocean Motion Technologies develops innovative small-scale ocean wave energy devices designed to power critical big data collection at sea, supporting applications in ocean observation, maritime monitoring, offshore aquaculture monitoring, and ISR for coastal security and defense applications. Our team is also advancing a comprehensive suite of hardware and software solutions to enable robust data analytics and device management, essential for realizing the potential of the Ocean of Things paradigm.

As an Administrator:

·        Formed the technical and business teams, board of directors, and advisory council.

·        Responsible for system requirement assessment, product-market fit analysis, business development, and managing operations.

·        Led the core team and represented the company at various events.

·        Served as the principal investigator and senior personnel and led efforts to secure non-dilutive funding for multiple projects. 

As the Lead Oceanographer:

·        Led the integration of advanced data science methods in oceanography by leveraging big data analytics and machine learning to enhance ocean observing capabilities.

·        Interpreted vast oceanographic datasets, facilitating the development and implementation of AI-driven tools to predict and analyze open-ocean & coastal processes.

·        Collaborated with coastal and island communities, stakeholders, academia/research institutions, and industry partners to ensure that the insights gained from big ocean data directly benefit local ecosystems and economies, fostering sustainable development.

·        Led initiatives to harness remote sensing data and machine learning for targeted, community-focused projects, enhancing resource management and environmental resilience in vulnerable coastal areas.

·        Actively supported the development and deployment of the Big Blue Cloud platform, focusing on scalable data infrastructure that ensures reliable and accessible ocean data streams for global, regional, and local research and relevant stakeholder engagement.

Served as the Principal Investigator for:

·        “Leveraging Co-Development for the Energy Capture Subsystem of a Small-Scale Adaptive Wave Energy Converter.” SBIR Phase I + II + IIA, U.S. Department of Energy (2020, 2021. 2023)

·        “Impactful Implementation of Next-Generation Ocean Data Infrastructure through Scalable Community and Stakeholder Engagement Programs.” SBIR Phase I + II, U.S. Department of Energy (2022, 2023)

·        “Data Platform Enabling Wave Energy Converter Performance and Sensor Optimization: Wave Energy Converters Impact Wave Data and What to Do About It?” SBIR Phase I, U.S. Department of Energy (2023)

·        Subsea wave energy converter subcontract, NAVFAC + UW-APL (2023)

·        Key senior personnel for “Utilizing Reinforcement Learning to Optimize Ocean Wave Energy Capture.” SBIR Phase I, U.S. National Science Foundation (2022)

·        “Gap Analysis and Optimization of the Seasonal Adaptive Point Attenuator based on Wave Tank Experiments.” TEAMER RFTS 6 in in collaboration with Sandia National Laboratories, Department of Energy / Pacific Ocean Energy Trust (2022)

·        “Testing the Adaptive Wave Energy Converter at Oregon State University's Large Wave Flume.” TEAMER RFTS 5 in collaboration with Oregon State University, Department of Energy / Pacific Ocean Energy Trust (2022)

·        “Optimization & Simulations for an Adaptive Wave Energy Converter.” TEAMER RFTS 2 in collaboration with Sandia National Laboratories and National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Department of Energy / Pacific Ocean Energy Trust (2021)

·        “Wave Energy Converter SIMulator (WEC-SIM) Support for an Adaptive Wave Energy Converter by Ocean Motion Technologies.” TEAMER RFTS 1 in collaboration with Sandia National Laboratories and National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Department of Energy / Pacific Ocean Energy Trust (2020)

·        “Hydrokinetic Power Buoy for Local and Grid-Scale Generation and Storage.” CalSEED, California Energy Commission / New Energy Nexus (2018)

·        Great Blue Challenge. Eastman Foundation (2018)


Member, Board of Directors, the Maritime Alliance (TMA BlueTech) (2021 -- present)

·        Participated in board meetings and worked in collaboration with the executive director and senior personnel.

·        Supported the organization’s governance, strategic direction, and accountability to ensure its sustained success.


External Advisory Board, University Marine Energy Research Community, Pacific Ocean Energy Trust (UMERC, POET) (2022 -- present)

·        Review and provide feedback on UMERC strategies and how it will achieve its objectives. Contribute to the UMERC External Advisory Board report.


Board Member (2017 -- present), Treasurer (2024 -- present) Marine Technology Society, San Diego Section

·        Participated in board meetings and supported the organization’s governance, strategic direction, and accountability to ensure its sustained success.


Board Member, Stealth Startup (2021 -- present)

·        Artificial intelligence / machine learning software.


Founder, Ecojar Lab (2008 – 2014)

·        Produced and sold fully self-contained terrariums as ecological art and science education tools.


Co-Producer, Countdown UCI at KUCI Radio Station (2011)

·        Countdown UCI is a radio show dedicated to insightful news, discussions and guests from the University of California, Irvine.

·        Supported content creation and production with multiple audio/visual equipment and produced supplementary podcasts.

·        Utilized targeted advertisement on various social media and assessed community opinions through engagement analytics.




Teaching Experience


Teaching Assistant, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD (2015, 2016, 2019, 2020)

SIO3: Life in the Oceans (Prof. Octavi Aburto), SIO134: Introduction to Biological Oceanography (Prof. Mike Landry)

·        Assisted the instructors during lecture and record-keeping duties.

·        Graded homework and exams.

·        Led course’s weekly or bi-weekly discussions and review sessions.


Teaching Assistant, UCI COSMOS Program (Summer 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013)

·        Assisted the instructors during lecture and field work.

·        Assisted students to conduct marine life inventory, plankton tow/identification, and field survey.

·        Taught students basic concepts in marine biology and ecology.

·        Prepared experiment materials for the students’ research projects.


Course Instructor, University Study 7: Environmental Crisis Studies (2010 – 2013)

·        Designed and developed the lesson plan and assembled lecture/discussion material.

·        Responsibility included teaching the weekly seminar, engaging students, and grading students’ work.

·        The class was offered to all UCI students for official elective units.


Teaching Assistant, Earth System Science 138: Remote Sensing (2013)

·        Assisted students to better understand various remote sensing techniques and their implications.

·        Assisted students during lab sessions to learn various remote sensing software and work with databases to prepare for their final projects.


Lesson Planning Consultant, Ardent Academy (2014)

·        Designed and developed lesson plans on experimental physics research programs for middle school students.

·        Reported to the academy director on development progress, and assisted with the program's future directions.





Peer Reviewed Publications


·        Pan, B.J., Gierach, M. M., Meredith, M. P., Reynolds, R. A., Schofield, O., Orona, A. J. (2023). Remote sensing of sea surface glacial meltwater on the Antarctic Peninsula shelf. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10.


·        Brooks, C., Stammerjohn, S., Ballard, G., DuVivier, A.K., Hofman, E., LaRue, M., Nissen, C., Orona, A.J., Pan, B.J., Schmidt, A.E., Walker, N., Watters, G.M., Weller, J. (2023). Research and monitoring in remote large-scale marine protected areas: the Ross Sea region as a model system. Conservation Letters. Submitted.


·        Keester, A., Ogden, D., Husain, S., Ruehl, K., Pan, B. J., Leon, J., Grasberger, J., Forbush, D., Tom, N., Housner, S., Tran, T. T. (2023). Review of TEAMER Awards for WEC-Sim Support” Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. NREL/CP-5700-86290. Presented at the 15th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC 2023).


·        Mascioni, M., Almandoz, G. O., Cusick, A., Pan, B. J., & Vernet, M. (2023). Phytoplankton dynamics in nearshore regions of the western Antarctic Peninsula in relation to a variable frontal zone in the Gerlache Strait. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10.


·        Weiss, E.L., Cape, M.R., Pan, B.J., Vernet, M., Smyth, T.J., Ha, S.Y., Iriarte, J.L., Mitchell, B.G. (2022). “The Distribution of Mycosporine-like Amino Acids in Phytoplankton Across a Southern Ocean Transect.” Frontiers in Marine Science, 2022 Oct 20;9.


·        Pan, B.J. (2020) “The Impact of Seasonal Environmental Variables on Phytoplankton Ecology at the Antarctic Ice-Ocean Boundary: Studies through Field Work, Numerical Models, Data Science and Machine Learning. Doctorate Dissertation. Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego.


·        Mascioni, M., Almandoz, G.O., Ekern, L., Pan, B.J., Vernet, M. (2021) “Microplanktonic diatom assemblages dominated the primary production but not the biomass in an Antarctic fjord.” Journal of Marine Systems, 224, p.103624.


·        Pan, B.J., Vernet, M., Manck, L., Forsch, K., Ekern, L., Mascioni, M., Barbeau, K, Almandoz, G., and Orona, A.J. (2020) “Environmental Drivers of Phytoplankton Taxonomic Composition in an Antarctic Fjord.” Progress in Oceanography 183: 102295.


·        Pan, B.J., Vernet, M., Reynolds, R.A., and Mitchell, B.G. (2019) “The optical and biological properties of glacial meltwater in an Antarctic fjord.” PLoS ONE 14(2): e0211107.


·        Gierach, M., Holt, B., Trinh R., Pan, B., and Rains, C. (2016) “Satellite Detection of Wastewater Diversion Plumes in Southern California.” Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 186:171-82.




Publications in Preparation


·        Pan, B.J., Orona, A.J. (202_) “Weakened Marine Ecosystem Recovery after a Warming Event in Antarctica.” Nature Geoscience. In Prep.


·        Pan, B.J., Vernet, M, Forsch, K., Manck, L., and Barbeau, K. (202_) “Nutrient Ratio and Phytoplankton Uptake Rate in nearshore Antarctic Waters.” In Prep.


·        Pan, B.J., Vernet, M., Barton, A.D., and Orona, A.J. (202_) “Environmental Drivers Modulate Phytoplankton Community Seasonal Succession in the Western Antarctic Peninsula”. In Prep.


·        Mascioni, M., Cusick, A., Almandoz, G., Pan, B.J., Vernet, M. (202_). “Thermal front in the Gerlache Strait divides two distinct phytoplankton patterns in nearshore areas (64° - 65°S) of the western Antarctic Peninsula” In Prep.


·        Koestner, D., Stramski, D., Pan, B.J., Forsch, K., Reynolds, R.A. “Measurements of the contributions of colloidal particles to angular scattering in contrasting marine environments.” Limnology and Oceanography Letters. In Prep.


·        Forsch, K., Pan, B.J. , Reynolds, R.A., Koestner, D., Barbeau, K., and Stramski, D. (202_) “The Optical and Chemical Properties of Antarctic Glacial Meltwater”. In Prep.


·        Pan, B., and Moore, J.K. (202_) “Analysis of the Variations in Chlorophyll Concentration in the Vicinity of the Kerguelen Plateau.” In Prep.





·        Orona, A.J., Pan, B., Bezanson, L., Glick, P., Walraven, J., Huang, M., Bell, N.. 2024. “Adaptive Control of Wave Energy Converters.” U.S. Patent 11,939,945 B1.


·        Pan, B., Bezanson, L., Glick, P., Walraven, J., Huang, M., Bell, N., Orona, A.. 2024. “Adaptive Wave Energy Converter.” U.S. Patent Pending.


·        Assigned to Ocean Motion Technologies. 2014. “Ocean powered take-off for multiple rotary drives.” U.S. Patent 8,745,981.



Conference Proceedings


·        Pan, B. J., Gierach, M. M., Meredith, M. P., Reynolds, R. A., Schofield, O., & Orona, A. J. (2024). “Remote Sensing of Sea Surface Glacial Meltwater on the Antarctic Peninsula Shelf (& the Impact of Glacial Meltwater on the Marine Ecology of the Antarctic Peninsula).” AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting, 2024. Poster.


·        Vernet, M., Cusick, A., Mascioni, M., Johnson, C., Pan, B.J., James, C.C., Chavero, T., Torres-Perez, J.L., Kohler, L.E., Allen, A. and Almandoz, G.O., Reynolds, R.A. (2023). “Estimating Glacial Meltwater and Its Impact on Coastal Antarctic Ecosystems through a Citizen Science Program.” American Geophysical Union 2023.


·        Pan, B.J., Gierach, M.M., Meredith, M.P., Reynolds, R.A., Schofield, O., and Orona, A.J. (2022) “Remote Sensing of Sea Surface Glacial Meltwater Fraction in the Coastal Ocean Waters of the Antarctic Peninsula.” SCAR Open Science Conference, 2022. Talk.


·        Pan, B.J., Orona, A.J. (2022) “Phytoplankton Community Recovery and Resilience after an Ecosystem State Change in Antarctica.” AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting, 2022. Poster.


·        Mascioni, M., Cusick, A., Almandoz, G., Pan, B.J., Vernet, M. (2022) “Phytoplankton Variability in Nearshore Regions of the Western Antarctic Peninsula in Relation to a Temperature Gradient.” SCAR Open Science Conference, 2022. Talk.


·        Pan, B.J. (2020) “Glacial Discharge and its Impact on Phytoplankton Community Composition in a Western Antarctic Fjord and Continental Shelf.” SCAR 2020 Online. Poster.


·        Vernet M., Pan B.J., Forsch K., Manck L., Barbeau K. (2020). “The nitrate-to-dissolved-iron ratio in West Antarctica coastal waters.” SCAR 2020 Online. Talk.


·        Mascioni, M., Almandoz G., Ekern L., Pan B.J., and Vernet M. (2020). “Phytoplankton assemblages in an Antarctic fjord: composition, diversity and productivity.” SCAR 2020 Online. Talk.


·        Pan, B.J., Vernet, M., Manck, L., Forsch, K., Ekern, L., Mascioni, M., Barbeau, K., Almandoz, G.O., and Orona, A.J. (2020) “Glacial Discharge and its Impact on Phytoplankton Taxonomic Composition in an Antarctic Fjord.” AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting, 2020. Talk.


·        Vernet, M., Kozlowski, W.A., Pan, B.J., Cusick, A., Mascioni, M., Garibotti, I.A. (2020) “Variability in Diatom Abundance and Diversity Determined by Sea Ice Dynamics.” AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting, 2020. Poster.


·        Weiss, E., Vernet, M., Cape, M.R., Pan, B.J., Mitchell B.G. (2020) “The Distribution of Mycosporine-like Amino Acids in Phytoplankton Across a Southern Ocean Transect.” AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting, 2020. Poster.


·        Pan, B.J., Vernet, M. (2018) “Small Phytoplankton Dominate Community Size Structure in an Antarctic Fjord.” SCAR, Polar 2018. Poster.


·        Pan, B.J., Vernet, M., and Barton A.B. (2018) “Coastal Phytoplankton Community in an Antarctic Fjord System.” UCSD FISP Symposium 2018. Poster.


·        Pan, B.J., Vernet, M. (2018) “The Optical Characteristics and Spatial Distribution of Meltwater in an Antarctic fjord, Andvord Bay.” AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting, 2018. Poster.


·        Forsch, K., Manck, L., Ekern, L., Pan, B.J., Vernet, M., Barbeau, M. (2018) “Links Between Sources of Iron and Organic Iron-binding Ligands to the Supply of Cryospheric Iron to Coastal West Antarctic Peninsula.” AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting, 2018. Poster.


·        Ekern, L., Vernet, M., Pan, B.J., Cape, M. (2018) “Assessing seasonal primary production via macronutrient deficits in a high latitude fjord system.” AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting, 2018. Poster.


·        Pan, B.J., Vernet, M., Reynolds, R. (2017) “The Optical Characteristics of Meltwater in an Antarctic Fjord, Andvord Bay.” Gordon Search Conference/Seminar on Polar Marine Biology. Poster.


·        Pan, B., Rains, C., and Trinh, R. (2014) “Remote Sensing Detection of Wastewater Plumes to Assess Public Water Quality in Los Angeles and Orange Counties.” Highlight Presentation. NASA Headquarter DEVELOP Program Showcase. Talk.


·        Pan, B., and Moore, J.K. (2014) “Analysis of the Variations in Phytoplankton Blooms in the Vicinity of Kerguelen Plateau.” AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting. Talk.


·        Norton, J., Nayebaziz, S., Burke, B., Pan, B., and Tomlinson B. (2014) “Plant Guild Composer: An Interactive Online System to Support Back Yard Food Production.” CHI Conference. Talk.


·        Pan, B., and D. Pataki (2011) "The influence of N source and fertilizer application on growth of a tropical pitcher plant, Nepenthes sanguinea.” UROP Symposium. Talk.


·        Pan, B., C. Goedhart, and D. Pataki (2010) “The linkage between native habitat and plant water use in acacia species.” UROP Symposium. Talk.




Non-Refereed Publications


·        Chalecki, E., Pan, B.J. (2020) “Geoengineering must stay peaceful.” The Hill, Opinion: Energy and Environment.


·        Traverso, M. Boarman, R., and Pan, B. (2013) “Synthetic Aperture Radar Data Decision Support for Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Population Assessment and Management in the Gulf of Mexico.” NASA DEVELOP Technical Report (internal).


·        Pan, B., Miu, J. (2013) “Utilizing Ocean Iron Fertilization as a Climate Change Intervention Method: Science, Feasibility, and Economics.” UCI Dept. of Earth System Science.


·        Pan, B. (2013) “An Assessment of Artificial Ocean Iron Fertilization as a Climate Emergency Response and Intervention Program.” UCI Dept. of Earth System Science.


·        Pan, B. (2012) “The Effect of Iron Fertilization on Marine Primary Productivity: Cause of Global Temperature Change.” UCI Dept. of Earth System Science.






·        NSF SBIR Bootcamp (as part of NSF SBIR 2022)


·        Larta Institute, Technical and Business Assistance Program (TABA as part of DOE SBIR 2022)


·        Department of Energy, Energy I-Corps (2020)


·        Larta Institute, Commercialization Assistance Program (CAP as part of DOE SBIR 2020)


·        Clean Tech Open Accelerator (2020)


·        VentureWell Program (2020)


·        UCSD Rady School of Management, Micro-MBA Certificate (2017)


·        Cornell University, Satellite Remote Sensing Training Program. Instructor: Bruce Monger (2016).


·        NASA & University of Maine, Calibration & Validation for Ocean Color Remote Sensing (“the ocean optics summer course”); instructors (in alphabetical order): Emmanuel Boss (coordinator), Ivona Cetinic, Curt Mobley, Mary Jane Perry, Collin Roesler, Ken Voss, Jeremy Werdell. (Summer, 2015).




Research Deployments


·        Ocean Motion Tech pilot demonstration & field deployment in Puget Sound, Washington (08/2023)


·        Ocean Motion Tech wave tank test at the O.H. Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory Large Wave Flume at Oregon State University, Corvallis Oregon (01/2023)


·        NSF RAPID Field Campaign (to Eastern Antarctic Peninsula/Weddell Sea) in collaboration with the Korea Polar Research Institute (KOPRI) on IBRV ARAON (03 – 05/2018)


·        NSF FjordEco Field Campaign, Season 2 (to Western Antarctic Peninsula) on RVIB Palmer (03 – 05/2016)


·        NSF FjordEco Field Campaign, Season 1 (to Western Antarctic Peninsula) on R/V Gould (11/2015 – 01/2016)


·        SIO/UCSD Deep Sea Biology Cruise (to Southern California Bight) on R/V Sprout (Nov. 2015)


·        NASA/UMaine Field Work Cruise, Optics & Satellite Ocean Color Validation (to Maine Coastal Ocean) on R/V Ira C. (Summer 2015)


·        SIO/UCSD Biological Oceanography Cruise (to Southern California Bight) on R/V Sprout (Oct. 2014)




Outreach & Presentations


·        Presenter, “Remote Sensing of Sea Surface Glacial Meltwater on the Antarctic Peninsula Shelf & Results on its Application for Studying Phytoplankton Ecology” at the NASA JPL IDS Group (Miller Group) (2024)


·        Guest Presenter, “Remote Sensing of Sea Surface Glacial Meltwater on the Antarctic Peninsula Shelf” at the Coastal Ocean Laboratory for Optics and Remote Sensing (COLORS) Group (Dierssen Group) at University of Connecticut / NASA IDS (2024)


·        Guest Presenter, “Remote Sensing of Sea Surface Glacial Meltwater on the Antarctic Peninsula Shelf” at the Oceans & Cryosphere, Theory & Observations (OCTO) Group (Thompson Group) at Caltech (2023)


·        Guest Presenter, “Remote Sensing of Sea Surface Glacial Meltwater on the Antarctic Peninsula Shelf” at the NOAA Ocean Color Coordination Group (NOCCG) (2023)


·        Guest Speaker, “Leveraging Small-Scale Ocean Energy to Support Big Ocean Data for Community, Government and Local Stakeholders” at the San Diego Diplomacy Council (2023)


·        Panelist / Guest Speaker, Briefing for California Legislators on Wave and Tidal Energy Technology, organized by AltaSea (2023)


·        Panelist / Guest Speaker, Ocean Renewable Energy Conference (OREC, 2023).


·        Podcast Interview: “Defense Mavericks” by DoD Chief Digital & Artificial Intelligence Office (CDAO) and ATARC TradeWind, episode “A New Wave in Ocean Technology with Jack Pan, CEO of Ocean Motion Technologies” (2023).


·        Guest Speaker, “New Tech Tuesday.” Technology Career Institute (TCI) at MiraCosta College (2023).


·        Presenter, “Remote Sensing of Sea Surface Glacial Meltwater Fraction in the Coastal Ocean Waters of the Antarctic Peninsula.” NASA Surface Biology & Geology Algorithm and Application Webinar (2023).


·        Presenter, “Remote Sensing of Sea Surface Glacial Meltwater Fraction in the Coastal Ocean Waters of the Antarctic Peninsula.” NASA JPL Water & Ecosystems Group Meeting (2023).


·        Invited Workshop Participant, Marine Energy Technology Developers Workshop by the University Marine Energy Research Community (UMERC) at Water Power Week (2023).


·        Guest Speaker / Panelist, Policy Day at OiA 2023. Oceanology International Americas (2023).


·        Guest Speaker / Panelist, “Innovation in the Offshore Renewable Energy Sector.” BlueTech Week by TMA Bluetech (2022).


·        Guest Speaker / Panelist, “Panel 4: Building the Capacities for BlueTech Innovation.” BlueTech Week by TMA Bluetech (2022).


·        Panelist, “Designing Data Tools for Community, Government and Practitioners” at the Pritzker Emerging Environmental Genius Award Conference “Imagining and Reflecting on Partnerships” (2022).


·        Guest Speaker, “The Ocean Motion Story & Brief Notes on Non-Dilutive Funding.” SIO UCSD startBlue (2022).


·        Presenter, “Remote Sensing of Sea Surface Glacial Meltwater Fraction in the Coastal Ocean Waters of the Antarctic Peninsula.” NASA JPL Sea Level And Ice Group (2022).


·        Presenter, “Remote Sensing of Sea Surface Glacial Meltwater Fraction in the Coastal Ocean Waters of the Antarctic Peninsula.” NASA JPL Ocean Circulation And Air Sea Interaction Group (2022).


·        Judge Panelist, U.S. Department of Energy Marine Energy Collegiate Competition (MECC, 2022).


·        Co-Organizer, Presenter, Multidisciplinary Workshop “Power for Ocean Sensing: Creating Dialogue around Power Capabilities and Needs.” University Marine Energy Research Community (UMERC, 2022).


·        Speaker/Panelist, “TEAMER – Making Marine Energy Research Accessible.” Department of Energy, Water Power Technologies Office, R&D Deep Dive Webinar (2022).


·        Blue Economy Speaker/Panelist, “Blue Talk: A Prelude to the United Nations Ocean Conference.” Scripps Institution of Oceanography / San Francisco Portugal Consulate (2022).


·        Guest Speaker, “Powering Big Blue Data & the Ocean of Things.” Blue Institute / Blue Incubator, Summer Speaker Series (2022).


·        Guest Speak, “Small-Scale Wave Energy & Big Data in the Ocean.” Seasteading Institute, Social Hour Series (2022).


·        Speaker, Cleantech San Diego / MUFG Union Bank Competition Event (2022).


·        Guest Speaker, “The Impact of Environmental Change on Phytoplankton Ecology at the Antarctic Ice-Ocean Boundary” Friday Harbor Labs Seminar Speaker Series (2021).


·        Speaker/Panelist, “Marine Hydrokinetic Energy at the Space-Ocean Nexus.” Session: Hydrokinetic Energy. BlueTech Week by TMA Bluetech (2021).


·        Guest Speaker, “The Ocean Motion Story & Brief Notes on Non-Dilutive Funding.” SIO UCSD startBlue (2021).


·        SIO UCSD startBlue Founders’ Round Table (2021).


·        Speaker, SD Innovation Showcase, San Diego Innovation Council (2021).


·        Speaker, “Developer-End User Convergence Mini-Workshop.” Pacific Marine Energy Center, All-Center Meeting (2021).


·        Presenter, “Phytoplankton Ecology at the Antarctic Ice-Ocean Boundary.” NASA JPL Water & Ecosystems Group (2021).


·        Alum Speaker. Triton Innovation Challenge, Ocean Vision Summit (2021).


·        Guest Speaker, “Small-Scale Ocean Energy & Big-Data Paradigm for Bluetech.” Department of Energy, Marine Energy Collegiate Competition (2021).


·        Speaker, “Collaboration with Ocean Motion Technologies.” Norway Aquaculture B2B Program. U.S. Commercial Service, Department of Commerce (2021).


·        Speaker/Panelist, “Big-data & Small-Scale MHK.” Session: Marine Hydrokinetic. BlueTech Week by TMA Bluetech (2020).


·        Speaker/Panelist, “Big-data & Small-Scale Ocean Energy.” Session: Offshore Ecosystem for Small-Medium Enterprises by TMA Bluetech (2020).


·        Speaker/Panelist, “Introduction to Ocean Motion Technologies.” Session: Enabling Technologies for Sustainable Energy. BlueTech Week by TMA Bluetech (2019).


·        Speaker, "Instrumentation Application in the Polar Regions." Marine Technology Society Evening Lecture Series (2019).


·        Speaker, Scripps Polar Center Inaugural All-Hands Seminar. “A Multidisciplinary Approach to Polar Ecosystems in a Changing Environment: An Overview” (2019).


·        Participate, United Nations’ COP 25 Conference (2019).


·        Speaker/Panelist, “Blue Carbon or Marine Ecosystem Regeneration?” United Nations’ COP 24 Conference (2018).


·        @FjordPhyto on FjordEco research expedition, social media outreach (2015 & 2016)


·        Scripps Open House, Polar research exhibit booth (2016)






·        Journal / Proposal Reviewer: Deep Sea Research Part II, Journal of Hydrology, National Science Foundation, Limnology and Oceanography, NASA


·        Co-Lead for the Data Science & Cyberinfrastructure Working Group, NSF Ross Sea Region Marine Protected Area (RSRMPA) (2022 – present). Participant of the NSF RSRMPA Planning Meeting (2022)


·        Board of Directors, the Maritime Alliance (TMA BlueTech) (2021 – present)


·        External Advisory Board, University Marine Energy Research Community (2022 – present)


·        Board Member (2017 – present), Treasurer (2024 – present), Marine Technology Society San Diego Chapter (MTS)


·        NASA JPL Water & Ecosystems Meeting Co-Chair (2022 – 2023)


·        Advisor, HydroDAO (2022 – present)


·        Steering Committee, SIO Sandbox (formerly “H-Lab Makerspace”) (2019)


·        Mentor, Peer Mentor Program, SIO, UCSD (2017)


·        Student Search Committee for Polar Science Faculty Candidate, SIO UCSD (2016)


·        Coordinator, SIO Biological Oceanography/Ecology Weekly Seminar Series (2015-2016)




Awards & Honors


·             Antarctica Service Medal (2016)

·             Principal Investigator & Senior Personnel for 15 grants & projects (2018 – present)

·             Pritzker Environmental Genius Award Nominee (2022)  

·             Clean Tech Open, National Finalist (2020)

·             Clean Tech Open, Regional Winner (2020)

·             Pioneer Award, VentureWell Foundation (2020)

·             Herrider Family Fellowship (2019)

·             UCSD Frontier of Innovation Scholarship Program (2017)

·             Robert H. Kieckhefer Endowed Coastal Studies Fund (2017)

·             The Casner Family Foundation Fellowship (2014 – 2015)

·             Robert L. Cody Memorial Fellowship (2014 – 2015)

·             Henry L. and Grace Doherty Fellowship (2014 – 2015)

·             Alan and Nora Jafffe Fellowship (2014 – 2015)

·             Krinsk Research Advancement Initiative (KRAI) (2014 – 2015)

·             COSMOS College Access Scholarship (2009 – 2011)

·             UCI UROP Research Fellowship (2011)

·             UCI UROP Research Grant (2010)

·             UCI SURP Research Fellowship (2010)

·             California Nobel Laureate Dinner, UC Irvine COSMOS Rep. (2010)

·             California Nobel Laureate Dinner, Presenter/COSMOS Alumni Rep. (2008)

·             Dean’s Honor’s List, University of California, Irvine






·             University Marine Energy Research Community (UMERC), Member (2021 – present), External Advisory Board (2022 – present)

·             AltaSea, Member (2022 – present)

·             The Maritime Alliance (TMA BlueTech), Member (2017 – present)

o   Board of Directors (2021 – present)

o   Member, TMA BlueTech Incubator Program (2017 – present)

·             Marine Technology Society (MTS), San Diego Section (2017 – present)

o   Board Member (2017 – present)

o   Treasurer (2024 – present)

·             Cleantech San Diego, Member (2016 – present)

o   Member, Southern California Energy Innovation Network (2019 – present)

·             Scripps Corporate Alliance, Member (2021 – present)

·             SeaAhead, Member (2020 – present)

·             HydroDAO, Advisor (2022 – present)

·             San Diego Entrepreneur Exchange (SDEE), Member (2017 – present)

·             American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Member (2017 -- present)

·             American Geophysical Union (AGU), Member (2013 -- present)

·             The Oceanography Society (TOS), Member (2015 -- present)

·             Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS), Member (2016 – present)

·             The American Polar Society, Member (2016 – present)

·             Interdisciplinary Forum for Environmental Research, UCSD (2015 -- 2020)

·             International Carnivorous Plant Society, Member (2012 -- present)

·             UCI Earth System Science Club, Founder & President (2010 –2013)

·             TEDxUCI, Co-founder & Director of Speaker Relations (2011 – 2013)

·             UCI Sustainable Energy and Technology Club, Vice President external (2009 – 2013)

·             COSMOS Connect, Co-President (2009 –2013)




Skills & Solution Stack


Data Science & Coding  

·        Python, Tableau, Tableau Prep

·        Basic knowledge in R, JavaScript, Matlab, IDL

·        Prompt Engineering


Geospatial & Image Analysis

·        Google Earth Engine (Py implementation), Google Earth

·        SeaDAS, NEST 4C, VISAT/BEAM

·        Esri GIS: ArcMap, basic knowledge in QGIS

·        Ocean Data View (ODV), Java Ocean Atlas (JOA)

·        Basic knowledge in ENVI

·        Basic knowledge in ImageJ


In-Situ & Bench Instrument

·        Spectrophotometer

·        Fluorometer

·        FlowCam

·        AC meters (AC-9 & ACS)

·        Profiling radiometer (PRR, C-OPS, HyperSAS, HyperPro)

·        CTD


Laboratory & Field Method

·        Plankton Microscopy

·        Marine life inventory, plankton tow

·        Environmental variable & site analysis

·        Stable isotopic sample processing & data analysis



·        Freelance Photography (500px) and basic cinematography

·        Adobe (in order of proficiency): Lightroom, Photoshop, Premiere, Fresco, InDesign, Audition, After Effects

·        Prompt Engineering

·        Infographic animation

·        Ability to work on collaborative and multidisciplinary projects

·        Social media outreach (targeted ads, engagement analytics)

·        Indoor gardening and enclosed artificial ecosystem

·        Fluency in Mandarin Chinese

·        Basics in drone piloting